Monday, June 29, 2009

my farewell to America.

Myyy word.

It's here.

The days that I have been anticipating, trying to wrap my limited human mind around, with hopes that I could somehow prepare more for my time in Africa. The Lord alone knows what is in store, and appropriately I am joyfully relying on Him as the ultimate provider. There's such a peaceful sense of freedom in really letting go of my own control and surrendering it unto the God who is sovereignty and omnipotent. And I know that if I do cling to something... God has a clever way of teaching me to rely on Him. So pray that I surrender the first time around ;)

So AFRICA. I fly out at 10pm. No promise of contact back to the states until perhaps July 13 when I'm in Kenya. But I'm contemplating holding out... Really diving into the full experience of being disconnected from the comforts and connectedness of the United States... And really embracing God's encounter for me in Africa.

Well friends, it's about time that I say farewell. I am super excited. Fly tonight, London tomorrow, fly tomorrow night, AFRICA Wednesday morning!

Yayyyyy! :)

Well, America... See you in three weeks!

Uganda... Get ready for me to fall in love with you :)

Friends and family... I count you as blessings, will miss you, and look forward to sharing this journey with you.

God... It's me and You.

Let the journey continue........

1 comment:

  1. You'll rock for Jesus i"m sure. Meanwhile, I have no place to send your wedding invitation... know you are invited, wherever you may be on this great big planet.
